New Liberal Action Grant Winner: The Universal Public Calendar

Los Angeles New Liberals were one of only a few New Liberal Action Grant winners! One of the winners was the Defining Liberalism series, which concludes this month. The other is the Universal Public Calendar. Read on and watch our video from LA New Lib and Universal Public Calendar creator Toby Muresianu, to learn more about successfully launched project!

City governance often happens in meetings that are public, but obscure. In LA, like many cities, postings are scattered across dozens of websites of different governing bodies, commissions, etc. This makes it hard to keep track of all meetings relevant to you or a group like the LA New Liberals. It also makes it very difficult for the broader public, news media, and even people in government itself to stay up to date.

This project will put all public meetings for the City of Los Angeles on one searchable Google Calendar which is kept automatically up to date using AI. This will be then available to the public for anyone to use, and a daily agenda will be automatically published on twitter for the chapter and others to share. The tweets generated from the calendar and calendar items will note that this service is provided by the LA New Liberals and link to our website.

Wondering how to subscribe to the Los Angeles Universal Public Calendar?

Drop us a line!


Defining New Liberalism Episode 1 - What is New Liberalism, and Why Do We Need It Now?