The LA New Liberals Webinar

Local governments love economic development. Whether it’s a new factory, commercial center, or stadium, the prospect of new jobs, tax revenues, and spillover effects are often too much to pass up. At minimum they make for good press and talking points. Or do they? Ample are the examples of economic development projects that turn into expensive boondoggles. Worse, local politicians and civil servants debase themselves by throwing millions – if not billions – in subsidies in exchange for the potential of a future corporate benefactor who ends up going elsewhere anyway.

On October 26th, 2023, the LA New Liberals spoke with host John Mozena, President of the Center for Economic Accountability (CEA) about how economic development schemes and subsidies fail, and how municipalities can work to create better environments for better and stronger economic growth and shared prosperity.


Defining New Liberalism Episode 1 - What is New Liberalism, and Why Do We Need It Now?


Los Angeles New Liberals Statement on DSA-LA Response to the Massacre in Israel